The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined Dangerous Goods transport company Days Logistics $4,000 for not appropriately supervising one of its drivers to ensure safe and lawful transportation of dangerous goods. In December 2020 a member of the public observed a petrol tanker, operated by Days Logistics, on the Bradfield Highway without carrying the proper warnings in the afternoon peak and notified the EPA. An EPA investigation found the tanker was carrying petrol at […]
EPA fined Petrol Tanker Driver for Signage Breach
Anyone just dipping their toe into the world of hybrid and electric cars for the first time may be surprised to discover that it’s not just a case of just electric or petrol power. There are a few different types of hybrid car out there, generally diversified by how big their batteries are and how long they can run on pure electric power, if at all. This difference then feeds into the respective cars’ fuel […]
Z Energy refuels memories of Ampol interest
4 years ago
If there’s one thing Z Energy didn’t want to talk to investors about at its investor day on Wednesday, it was takeover interest. Z Energy got on the front foot, confirmed it had spoken to parties, and told analysts and shareholders that it wouldn’t take any further questions. Its statement said about as much: “Although we have discussions with other parties and actively consider opportunities that may arise from time to time, there is nothing […]
The ACT government has lodged plans to remediate the site of a Belconnen petrol station where thousands of litres of petrol leaked from an underground fuel tank. Full story
Effective August 2nd 2021, there will be a change in the excise calculation, as requested by the Australian Tax Office. To better represent the actual blend of Gasoline from 42.7 to 43.3 and Diesel from 42.7 to 43.30 and for the E10 product, the excise calculation will change from 14.0 to 14.20 and B100 product the excise calculation will change from 8.50 to 8.70. For the full detail please click on this link.